Monday, November 26, 2007

My thoughts about this Barbara Kruger art work is that it supposed to mean that your body is yours and no one else can have it and how you are constantly fighting over it. the way that its done (half light half negative) makes it seem like theres a battle going on either inside the body or over the body. Also how the letters are bold, and set on a red base makes them really stand out and makes them seem more immortant but at the same time because they aren't all capitalized so they seem less viscous and more trying to get you to understand or want to do something about what the message is pointing out.
Click here to see the picture.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Group of Seven - A.J casson

Heres some links to some paintings by a famous painter from the group of seven named A.J Casson. Enjoy!

A.J casson used alot of clear cut and vibrant colours.
Also his style of painting looked very cartoonish because of how he used almost no shading and never blended. Often you will see these sort of puffy trees in casson's paintings with only two tones of colour in each of the trees. He also often puts a type of fluffy cloud into his backgrounds. Casson is also more know for painting gentle hills, small towns, villages, and farms in southern Ontario. Casson would deliberately find things to paint that were not the preferred material for the other group members.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

Chess Art

In my chess piece art work I used line and value to create a sense of movement and attraction that draws the on-looker eyes to certain places then finally the main attraction and the point of the piece 'o work, the CHESS PIECE!

To create movement in my Art work I made different patterns in awkward and different position while keeping a certain pattern. The different shades of darks in lights in the pattern around the chess piece to make a sense of move men and draw the eyes of on-lookers. Also to make certain parts stand out and look lively i made some parts as you can see round unlike they're surrounding shapes.

In general i tryed to make my chess piece as fun and funky as i could using just my own and different style of drawing shapes and pattern. Hope you enjoy it! cya lateh!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mondrian's composition in red, blue and yellow

Imitationalism: Mondrian's composition in red, blue, and yellow is not a good representation of of imitationalism. It isn't because you would not ever see such a creation in real life. Also it does not have a lot of detail, it's very simple. There is no information in the painting to describe what it's representing or what it is. Overall I think that Mondrian's composition in red, blue, and yellow is very bad Imitationalism painting.

Emotionalism: Mondrian's composition in red, blue , and yellow is an ok representation of emotionalism. It's ok because it has some but not a lot of emotion in it. The layout of the painting is spread out causeing a random and calm feeling. It can also make you feel nervous or angry becuase of the tightly bunched lines and red color in certain parts of the painting.

Formalism: Mondrian's composition in red, blue, and yellow is a fairly goos representation of formalism. The balance in this painting is well done theres areas on one side of the painting were theres lines bunched up causing a heavy side but instead of Mondrian putting something equally heavey he makes a larger white space wit h a lines right at the bottom so that, that area draws attention blancing out the painting. Also Mondrian's colors all go well together and make the painting seem as tho it goes together well.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Welcome to the blog for gaming and guitar fanatics. If u like guitar or gaming we have some special tips for each of the topics. So welcome and enjoy.